Rebel Moon Pt1 - Not Enough & Too Much

Where I absolutely loved the cinematography, the aesthetic, and the action, I can't help but notice the scenes that were cut. There was a lot regarding the individual characters that were taken out that made it difficult to emotionally connect to each one in the way Zack Snyder intended. This made the second act feel more like a "list of names" than an arc. Like. "First we get this person, then we get that person, etc".

Of all of the many main characters that were introduced, the one with the absolute least screen time, of about 5 minutes total, had the most/best/clearest development connection. Jimmy the Robot. Absolutely LOVE Jimmy. Hands down, the best part of the film for me.

Ed Skrein continues to be the creepiest actor on screen and manages to absolutely nail the role of Backpfeifengesicht. (google that. you're welcome)

All in all, I did enjoy the film. I will watch it again. I look forward to the Director's Cut (If we could JUST let creatives be creative and stop limiting their vision and story, that would be great.) and I am certainly looking forward to Part 2: The Scargiver with the hopes that these characters are fleshed out more and give us more of that emotional connection that we need.

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